Monday, August 6, 2007

the perfect tango

the band was called "Neil On Impression"...they were from took and hour and half to get to was well worth it.

but, i am in the need to meet more people out here, need to reach out and find them. so i am going to make a shirt that reads...'americaner for borrow...please show me the city and all there is to offer'. but seriously, i just need to get a mattress, buy a few things at the market, and just get into a routine. i've been out of place for around two weeks now...just looking for some stability...ahh Monday, here we go...

oh, and here's a little tidbit for ya...our house...



Sussman said...

Ha Ha Ha
Too many friggin' stairs Parker!
Jana and I are moving to Herzogenaurach-I start work at Adidas October 1st. I see beer and pretzels in our future!

deyan said...

haha, Allan speaking in English with a german accent threw me off. Looks like you guys are having fun out there! Enjoy the german beer!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun, try not to drink all the beer in Germany.

Rachel J Wong said...

that looks awesome. i hope ur having fun and getting a good workout on those stairs