Sunday, August 5, 2007

Wish you somethings...

who would've thought...four days into munich and i've already had a liter of beer at the englischer garden...and rode throught the Olympic Stadium. All made possible by the fact that i bought a bike...pretty much found the Walmart of bike stores in Munich and bought a new bike for 200 euro, which basically means i spent about 300 US dollars. Ouch. But i have a bike, sweet.

Englisher Garden Tower

Englisher Garden...soooo many people.

Big ole beer at the Englisher Garden

Big Gulps.

The neighborhood we live is in right near the GartenPlatz Center. Tons of bars, clubs, cafes, and people just hanging out all over the street in general. We hung out on the steps in the center near this building with huge pillars, kind of the local hangout for people, mainly younger. But all in all, riding around town drinkin' a beer...something you'd probably get a DUI for in the states, is somehow okay over here. Awesome. But for now time to get back to Da Ali G show on DVD.

a view out my 4th floor window to the right...

On the bridge over the Isar River...

oh and the neighbors had a party that lasted til 6 in the joke. I gotta get on board with some of that party action...


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