Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I should be working right now...

What to do with myself...no internet or tv at home. The two biggest consumers of my time for as long as i can remember. i get internet at work, but that is becoming less and less of an option as I feel big brother right around the corner. I guess work is for work, not youtube, myspace, and blogging...oops. It's all about pullin nurbs and snappin vertices...that's some computer nerd jokes for ya. But last week, thanks to Chris from work, I got 4 gigs of German hip hop, techno, happy hardcore, and drum and bass to go through, nice. That's something to pass the time with. And I traded him my old DJ Fusion mixes...he's also a DJ, but like me, hasn't found much time to do it lately. So many things I want to do now that I am out of school, but a lot of things will have to wait til January or so...

I will now try and recall the weekend...friday night, KultFabrik. The land of enchantment and magic for people who want to consume mass quantities of alcohol and have your pick at over 30 clubs and bars. Yes, 30, all in one convenient location. All we needed was the ferris wheel, indian frye bread, and maybe a churro or two and it would have been complete. we started the night in our second club...the first would not let us in when I showed my California ID...just shook his head and said no. Ouch. Denied. It was around 11:30 or 12, and the place was dead. But, we had paid 5 Euro to get it, so we got drinks and stuck it out. Bars are good because you don't have to speak German at all to order, just hold up your fingers for how many beer you want and say "Bier, bitte!" sometimes not even "bitte" (please). Formalities and niceties go out the window in a place like that, where the bartender just looks at you like the tourist you appear to be. Long story short, because there isn't much else to tell, I went with Curtis and Allen, and three guys from work, and ended up taking the taxi home, rather than walking to the subway...because, well, just because.

And Saturday afternoon spawned huge buckets of rain to be dumped on the city off and on throughout the day. My 3 Euro umbrella almost couldn't handle it...oh yeah and not to mention some guy tried to steal my umbrella while I got money from the ATM. Actually, he did steal it, I just ran after him and regained ownership in a non confrontational way, where he proceded to say he thought it was someone elses and he didn't mean to take it. yeah. Everyone owns an umbrella, it's just that no one takes it with them cuz you never know when you'll need it. and they are sold out of them everywhere. Need to get a raincoat, trashbag, something.

On a lighter note, I did enjoy riding my bike around the city on Sunday for about 4 hours...taking pictures of the streets, buildings, and cars...which I hope to have a cars page up soon to document the madness that is Europe, and all the cool cars the USA will never have...lame. I swear the weather couldn't have been nicer on Sunday...maybe one of the best Munich will see all year. Blue skies, cool breeze, fresh air, and just some unknown energy that brings thousands to the streets to eat on the patio cafes and restaurants. I am starting to see the stark contrast between life in America and life here in Germany, many things which I hope to maintain to some degree when I return. So hard to put it all in words right now...pictures and more blogging should make it clearer later. But for now, sleep.


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