Friday, August 3, 2007

Half way around the world...

so the first thing I realized after getting to germany…packing your bag full of all your crap is NOT necessary. ..but I will get back to that. Curtis and I stood in the international line for two hours before making our way to the gate, all the time thinking we might be at the wrong terminal. But low and behold, we made it on the plane. Economy class is just that, economy. Although, they did serve alcohol and did not charge once, not a dime, and I took a measured advantage of that situation. But again with the bags…we boarded the S-Bahn to get to Munich from the airport. Not so bad, but when we got off the train we had to walk for awhile to find the RTT building. Mind you I’m carrying a backpack, dragging a 70 pound duffle, and my garment bag. I should have just been wearing a shirt that read “tourist”.

My First Ride in a Train...I think.

Non-emotional baggage.

Well we live in a nice apartment on the 6th floor in the GartnerPlatz neighborhood. Not having a car has not proven to be a problem…I actually find it nice to walk around the city with everyone…although it did take us an hour and a half to get to work today, I guess having a map would have helped a little. First night here on Wednesday we went to a BBQ with the RTT crew, about 50 or so of em…nothing like bratwurst and steak slapped on a bread roll and just goin to town. Plus they had plenty of beer, which they brought in crates and just put in the river to keep cold. Spent the rest of the night there, caught a train home, hit the bar across the street from our apartment, and caught some well needed sleep.

First night BBQ style...

So tomorrow I’m gonna try to buy a bike, get a phone, do some shopping, get a subway pass, and just breathe in this Munchen air as much as possible. I’ll try to get some photos on here when I get around to taking some…


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