Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Turkish Dinner...

Now this was fun...Omer had wanted to plan a dinner with the group from Munich. Bottom picture is Reijo, Curtis, Allen, Alex, Me, Tobbi, and Omer. This was also Alex's first night in town...so technically it was our first dinner in Munich together. She planned on staying for about 8 days or so, and we were able to secure the same flight back. Nothing like spending a 12 hour plane ride next to your girlfriend than some stranger you try to make awkward conversation with occasionally.

Omer also told us a lot about Turkish culture and how and why the food is made. There was a lady in the back making the flat pastry like food which we ate, which came in 5 or 6 different flavors. I forget the actual name but it was pretty good, and a special treat to be taken to a place like this.


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