Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Going Away Madness...part 2

Wednesday, work.
Going away party at work, at 6pm.
4 cases of beer.
Said my goodbyes to friend from work.
Beer. (and yes, partying at work after work hours is quite normal)
Lock up the place since we are the last to leave, first time ever.
Head to Bergwolf one last time for beers and currywurst.
Allen and Clive fighting and rolling on the floor.
Allen breaks a glass attempting an awesome bar trick.
Allen and Clive knock over a sign and break a bottle of beer fighting on last time.

That's this night in a nutshell.


Add - In...

Thursday was my final day at work. I was able to make it out by about 2pm and make it back to pick up Alex and head to lunch. We went to a place called Lo Studente, a place that serves excellent pizza that I had been to before. After that, we did some shopping near Marienplatz for Christmas gifts one last time.

We had our final dinner in Munich in some eerie 1970’s décor place. We had visions of going somewhere really cool, but we started late, on a thursday, and low and behold it was damn near impossible to get a table anywhere. The place we found was like some old Italian mafia style restaurant. I think everyone was just tired from our long week of partying and what not, so having a nice quiet dinner where we could share some laughs and relax was nice.

After dinner I packed my belonging which I've had in Munich for the last 4 1/2 months, and threw out whatever I could to make things, lighter. Although I added in more than I took out with Christmas gifts.

Munich was cold and frosty when I left. It hadn’t snowed in Munich since November. I guess that's how I wanted to remember Munich. I think I was there long enough to really experience the city and feel like I was a part of it, not just a visitor. Plus the daily routine and sights I saw everyday will stick with me forever. I'm starting to get a little nostalgic just thinking about it...


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