Monday, December 10, 2007

10 Days to gogogo...

My time here is coming to a close. So much to look back and reflect on.....which I will no doubt do for a long time. I'm glad I took a lot of pictures and kept this blog thing. Hell I don't know if a lot of people really read this...not too concerned. I know my Mom is always looking for updates, that's enough for me to keep doin it.

Hopefully the snow comes back this weekend. Alex arrives on Thursday, then it's off to the RTT Christmas party on Friday night. Free car, hotel, dinner, and club afterwards...all drinks free. Gonna get crazy from what people vaguely talk about last years party. Then on saturday Alex and I hop on a plan to Barcelona Spain....hey that rhymes! I'm a nerd. Two days in Spain with my girlfriend...gonna be an awesome trip.

.....and to top it off I fly back to Los Angeles on the 21st....only to have no work until the 2nd of January...woohoo! It's like Winter break from school all over again. Looking forward to the next few weeks...lots to happen, check for pictures. Peace.


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