Tuesday, January 1, 2008

RTT Munich Christmas Party...OMG.

The date was December 14th, 2007...a day that will live indefinitely. My company, RTT, does a yearly Christmas party. USA did one, which I missed obviously since I am in Munich, so we joined in with the Germans. The plan was to drive to Aschau Germany, about 60 miles east of Munich. They offered to provide transportation, a hotel to stay in, dinner, drink, and then wristbands for entrance to a club for after dinner where we can drink for free all night long. Yeah, damn. To top it off, it's at the base of a castle in Aschau.
After checking into the hotel, we head over to dinner where we drink Gluewein, a type of spiced red wine that is served hot. You can find it all over Munich around Christmas. Reijo begins the night be spilling a glass all over Curtis while trying to shake hands with someone. More to come on this topic later.

We move inside, hang our coats and find a seat. We Americans congregated together with our close friends from work, as usual. There was about 250 or so people at the dinner, which took place in a large hall, high barn style roof, decorated to the hilt, with a stage at one end for performances. It's at this point that Reijo takes another swing at some wine, again going for a greeting, but this time knocks over an entire bottle of wine that hits a glass that comes flying at Alex and I...you can see she took most of the hit in the photo below of the aftermath.

Sidenote to the wine...I spent a thursday evening at work taste testing about 10 wines with fellow employees...and I mean I really put some work in drinking this wine. We picked one, then decided on two winners, to be served at dinner, though I didn't see either on the table. Hmmm.

Dinner was a choice of duck, beef, or veggie. I of course, had the duck. Not everyday you have duck. After dinner there was a stage performance. Ludwig and Christoph, the head guys at RTT Munich, were placed in competition against each other in events from guess your employees birthdays to arm wrestling to taking shots of schnapps. All funny stuff and they were good sports and even spoke in English to the crowd, maybe to accommodate us, who knows.

After dinner, we move upstairs to enjoy two German guys playing cover songs of American bands, only they sang most of the songs were sang with incorrect lyrics. Either way it added to the whole night just perfect. We danced our asses off, did arm in arm jumping to punk music or whatever they were playing. Then Reijo got wobbly on the floor and fell over with a bunch of people and knocked over a drumset. That was our signal to move on to the club.

On the way we got involved in an epic snowball fight. The snow had been falling hard the entire time out here, and living in California I think we all decided it was necessary to take advantage of a situation where we can act like kids again. Incidents involed: Me yielding a Christmas tree and throwing it a people, Snowballs to the face, getting tackled to the icy hard ground, bodyslams into snowbanks, etc.

Get to club, and get our drinks, thanks to Alex. Apparently I don't have boobs so I can't get drinks very quickly, whooda thunk it. Hit the dance floor and got crazy when 'Jump around' by House of Pain came on. I think Alex and I sang every word as loud as we could...might of scared the Germans a little.

The night ended around 3 or 4 in the morning with our drunken walk of shame back to the hotel. Sure saturday morning was hard, but it was all worth it. Hands down probably the funnest party I've been to in awhile. I definitely want to be in Munich for the Christmas party in 2008.

Oh yeah this is evidence of Clive and Curtis drunk in an elevator...I'll work on getting the video, but basically they fell over and Curtis kept getting slammed in the leg with the door, while neither of them could regain the ability to stand...check back for the video, it's gold.


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