Sunday, December 2, 2007

Modern Art Museum...

or rather, the Pinakothek der Moderne. I went there a few weekends ago with Curtis, Reijo, and Ethan, all guys from work. They also had a Max Beckman exhibit, but no one was interested in paying for that. Some pretty cool stuff and also they had things like modern IBM Thinkpads, that robotic dog that came out a few years back....the AIBO? and a bunch of other random stuff. Here's some pics. Enjoy!

Tatra T87...glorious in all it's...weirdness...Harks back to the boattail design element I was so facinated with in my thesis project at Art Center.

Marble sculpture. It was about 30 feet long.

Ingenious...I mean, a tree is a it is official.

They played some strange videos, this one showed the aftermath of some trash strewn park that probably had some kind of concert. It highlights some crazy guy going around throwing trash bags in the air.

Another video is an interview with a Holocaust survivor, who had his 5 digit number tattoo'd in his arm some 60 years ago. He tells the story, then the tattoo artist urge him to go forward with the revitalization of the number, to get it redone. He agrees, and it's almost sad just watching this whole story unfold. His number is revived, and you can see the sadness in his eyes when it's all over.

This is our fridge corner, you get good money for returning your we do our best to maintain a nice collection.


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