Monday, December 10, 2007

10 Days to gogogo...

My time here is coming to a close. So much to look back and reflect on.....which I will no doubt do for a long time. I'm glad I took a lot of pictures and kept this blog thing. Hell I don't know if a lot of people really read this...not too concerned. I know my Mom is always looking for updates, that's enough for me to keep doin it.

Hopefully the snow comes back this weekend. Alex arrives on Thursday, then it's off to the RTT Christmas party on Friday night. Free car, hotel, dinner, and club afterwards...all drinks free. Gonna get crazy from what people vaguely talk about last years party. Then on saturday Alex and I hop on a plan to Barcelona Spain....hey that rhymes! I'm a nerd. Two days in Spain with my girlfriend...gonna be an awesome trip.

.....and to top it off I fly back to Los Angeles on the 21st....only to have no work until the 2nd of January...woohoo! It's like Winter break from school all over again. Looking forward to the next few weeks...lots to happen, check for pictures. Peace.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Modern Art Museum...

or rather, the Pinakothek der Moderne. I went there a few weekends ago with Curtis, Reijo, and Ethan, all guys from work. They also had a Max Beckman exhibit, but no one was interested in paying for that. Some pretty cool stuff and also they had things like modern IBM Thinkpads, that robotic dog that came out a few years back....the AIBO? and a bunch of other random stuff. Here's some pics. Enjoy!

Tatra T87...glorious in all it's...weirdness...Harks back to the boattail design element I was so facinated with in my thesis project at Art Center.

Marble sculpture. It was about 30 feet long.

Ingenious...I mean, a tree is a it is official.

They played some strange videos, this one showed the aftermath of some trash strewn park that probably had some kind of concert. It highlights some crazy guy going around throwing trash bags in the air.

Another video is an interview with a Holocaust survivor, who had his 5 digit number tattoo'd in his arm some 60 years ago. He tells the story, then the tattoo artist urge him to go forward with the revitalization of the number, to get it redone. He agrees, and it's almost sad just watching this whole story unfold. His number is revived, and you can see the sadness in his eyes when it's all over.

This is our fridge corner, you get good money for returning your we do our best to maintain a nice collection.


Herren Chiemsee...the Royal Palace.

Last weekend...I went to what might be my final castle in Germany, the Royal Palace of Herren Chiemsee. Herren Chiemsee translates to 'Man's Island', and is right next to Frauen Chiemsee, 'Woman's Island', which is about 1/10th the size. Insert male chauvinistic joke here. I went with Dani, a friend from work, who has been to this castle before. So driving there without getting lost was not a problem. Plus it was nice to once again be in a car, which I am slowly wondering how I will accustom myself to driving everywhere when I get back. I might actually miss the trains...sniff.

This is the third castle of Kind Ludwig II...the other being Neuschwanstein that I went to and I don't know the name of the third. Again, this castle was unfinished...maybe 20 of 80 rooms completed. And he only spent 10 days in the castle before he left and was later found face down in a shallow pool of water.

This is Berta...she was our boat who took us the 20 minutes to the island. On board you can buy pretzels, coffee, beer, and ice cream.

The Royal Palace, which is what I will be calling my next house I live matter where or what neighborhood it is located in.

Random bedroom. The one I don't have a picture of took 7 years to make for the King.

Horns to drink beer out of. Take a note, I would like one of these for Christmas.

All the fountains were covered up...and the flowers and plants torn out. Not as visually entertaining as the inside.

Looking out into the water, it was grey and eery. Almost snowing, but just warm enough to fall in drops of water. Felt like I was on a set on some movie, with just a grey tarp for the backdrop as you couldn't see anything off the island.

The island might have only had 100 people on it at most. And walking back to the boat it was quiet I may never hear quiet like this again. No animals, wind, people, cars, buildings, just silence. I actually felt like I was in 1873 or did people entertain themselves back then? Oh excuse me my iPhone is ringing....


First snow in Munich....

These pictures are from back in November 15th, when Munich started getting some good snow. It's so funny because I get all excited when the snow starts. Obviously living in Arizona and then Cali didn't provide me days like this to wake up to. You only see snow when you purposefully travel to it.

Shot from the South side...out my window...

Shot out the north side, in the stairwell...

Snow covered bikes....

This is on the wall of the train station I use to get to work. I see it every morning...and the character is interesting to say the least. Just one example of the street art found in Munich.