Monday, September 10, 2007

Case of the Mondays….

So Saturday started for me at 8 am. Yeah, I know, I am never up that early. I tried to go back to sleep, I really did…it just wasn’t gonna happen. So I eventually got out of bed defeated, and got ready for the day. I joined some guys from work at the SoccaFive Arena up by the Olympic Stadium to play some indoor football. The place has about 5 or so ‘fields’ to play on…the largest being about the size of a basketball court. Not as big as I was hoping for, but they field was surrounded by nets so it kept the ball in play all the time. And the walls made passing to other players or back to yourself interesting. It was like each team had double the amount of players due to the sneaky wall passing. The ground was pretty soft too, felt cushioned underneath, but that also made it a little more difficult to run, even in my muddy cleats I haven’t cleaned since last weeks game….oops. And because of the size of the field goals came quick…not that we kept score or anything…but I did manage to put a few in the net.

Blurry action shot...

Far right...coming back victorious...

And how’s this for double parking? I mean seriously, it’s not like it’s in my way, it’s just ridiculous the things you see when people are trying to park close to their apartment. This area is the worst for finding parking also, but I mean come on.

The audacity...

So I did a little internet in the afternoon on Saturday…even made a few Skype calls with my fancy new headset, except it was about 9am on the west coast, so most of you were asleep or recovering from Friday night, whichever. Hopefully our internet at the house is hooked up by tomorrow, thanks to Allen staying home so they can come by. Then I can stop paying 5 Euro at the coffee shop for one day of internet. Phhh.

Saturday night, back to Atomic café…where they were finishing up with some 60’s ish band. I thought the music would change afterwards but they played 60’s all night. The place was as empty as ever but it filled up slowly to a nice crowd by 3, when we left. But I was really miffed because myself, Curtis, and Reijo all paid 7 Euro to get in…totally was not worth paying any money to be in there with that music and no crowd. Oh well, lesson learned…plenty of other places to check out in the city. I should be traveling on the weekends anyhow.

Slept in til 1:30pm on Sunday, ouch. Still getting over my cold and going out Saturday night didn’t help. So I woke up, watched a little Artificial Intelligence, and then headed over to the Deutsches Museum which is about a one minute bike ride from my apartment. It reminds me of the science center in Phoenix a little bit. If you can get past the screaming kids running around all over touching everything you can begin to enjoy the museum a little. Sidenote…I thought it was free on Sundays…turns out it’s 8.50 Euro, damn. But they had a lot on airplanes and aerospace, all the way down to nuclear physics and musical instruments. Pretty much covered the basics of technology since the Industrial revolution. My favorites, seeing how the ‘car part’ of the museum is in a different museum, were the jet engines. Many of which they had a cut-away or exposed view of the mechanics, which blew my mind thinking how someone would even go about creating something like this…even back in the 20’s and 30’s. I mean I’ve seen engines before, but these turbine and rocket engines were pretty amazing. All in all, I got there around 230, place closes at 5, so I had to really rush through to see everything. One would need a good two full days in there to take it all in. Guess I can go drop another 8.50 Euro if I really feel the urge to go back….but I think my next adventure is to the car museum.

'Best View of Munich'...or so the Museum they want an extra 2 euro to go up there....phhhh.

Landing Gear up close...

Turbine that is some power...

Close up on the turbine...

Your average European country...350 kg of trash in 6 months....United states about 850 kg...per person! They are just saying that to make us mad...

Outside of work one night...Porsche Carerra S


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