Saturday, July 21, 2007

Going Away Party!!!

Going away party in Cali for Me, Curtis and Allen...

Friday, July 27th

1233 6th St.
Arcadia, CA.

Pool, Full Bar, Supermodels, and Cocaine.

So be there because I'm peacin' out to Germany for 5 months!!!


Monday, July 9, 2007

oh man, another one...

yeah so i know this page was supposed to be about my travel and what not...dont worry, I'll get to it. Instead i find it necessary to post up videos that i personally find amusing, either for your enjoyment, or so i can watch them again without having to search for em.

Dog Goes Crazy After Drinking Slurpee - Watch more free videos

this is just another little diddy i came across that for some reason made me laugh my ass off.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Craigslist you are the greatest...

So after my first two successful sales of $30 bucks a pop for some crappy TV stands, I went back into my house looking for what I could sell next. Couch, fridge, PS2, cat...ok maybe not the cat...can you sell cats on craigslist though? It's pretty funny how far people will drive to pick up something also. One guy drove probably about 30 miles to get to pasadena to buy my crappy furniture, and I don't give discounts for mileage.

Look for more posting to hit craigslist soon. I'm sure I have a bunch of crap I no longer need that someone will find valuable.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Yeah i gotta go lick my balls and watch sideways...

fuckin cats...hilarious.
